Connectors, Interconnects
Modular Connectors - Jacks With Magnetics

Modular Connectors - Jacks With Magnetics

Abracon Corporation Abracon Corporation
ARJM11C7-811-NN-CW2 ARJM11C7-811-NN-CW2 Abracon Corporation Description: CONN MAGJACK 1PORT 5G BASE-T PCB
ARJM11C7-104-AD-CW2 ARJM11C7-104-AD-CW2 Abracon Corporation Description: CONN MAGJACK 1PORT 100BASE-T PCB
ARJ11A-MASM-RT2 ARJ11A-MASM-RT2 Abracon Corporation Description: CONN MAGJACK 1PORT 10 BASE-T
ARJM11D7-805-NN-CW4 ARJM11D7-805-NN-CW4 Abracon Corporation Description: CONN MAGJACK 1PORT 2.5G BASE-T
Tamura Tamura
TIC-L052-11 TIC-L052-11 Tamura Description: CONN MAGJACK 1PORT 10 BASE-T
Bel Bel
1840946-1 1840946-1 Bel Description: CONN MAGJACK 12PORT 1000 BASE-T
1840727-6 1840727-6 Bel Description: CONN MAGJACK 1PORT 1000 BASE-T
1840780-7 1840780-7 Bel Description: CONN MAGJACK 1PORT 100 BASE-T