Discrete Semiconductor Products
Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Single

Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Single

Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage
2SA1837,S1CSF(J 2SA1837,S1CSF(J Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: TRANS PNP 1A 230V TO220-3
TTC0002(Q) TTC0002(Q) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: TRANS NPN 160V 18A TO-3PL
2SC5171,Q(J 2SC5171,Q(J Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: TRANS NPN 2A 180V TO220-3
Microsemi Microsemi
JANTXV2N6059 JANTXV2N6059 Microsemi Description: TRANS NPN DARL 100V 12A TO-3
JANTXV2N2907A JANTXV2N2907A Microsemi Description: TRANS PNP 60V 0.6A TO18
JAN2N2906A JAN2N2906A Microsemi Description: TRANS PNP 60V 0.6A TO18
JAN2N5015 JAN2N5015 Microsemi Description: NPN TRANSISTOR
Bourns, Inc. Bourns, Inc.
TIP31E-S TIP31E-S Bourns, Inc. Description: TRANS NPN 140V 3A