Integrated Circuits (ICs)
Logic - Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers

Logic - Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers

Diodes Incorporated Diodes Incorporated
PT74HC14PE PT74HC14PE Diodes Incorporated Description: IC LOGIC
Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage
74VHCV07FT 74VHCV07FT Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: IC BUFF NON-INVERT 5.5V 14TSSOPB
AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor
74ABT16652CSSCX 74ABT16652CSSCX AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC TXRX NON-INVERT 5.5V 56SSOP
MC74LCX07DT MC74LCX07DT AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC BUF NON-INVERT 5.5V 14TSSOP
NLU1G07BMX1TCG NLU1G07BMX1TCG AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC BUFF OP/DRAIN NON-INV 6ULLGA
NLU2G16AMUTCG NLU2G16AMUTCG AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC BUFFER NON-INVERT 5.5V 6UDFN