Integrated Circuits (ICs)
Logic - Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers

Logic - Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers

AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor
74LVT240WMX 74LVT240WMX AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC BUFFER INVERT 3.6V 20SOIC
74LCXH162244MEA 74LCXH162244MEA AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC BUF NON-INVERT 3.6V 48SSOP
74F125PC 74F125PC AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC BUF NON-INVERT 5.5V 14DIP
MC74HC368ADR2G MC74HC368ADR2G AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC BUFFER INVERT 6V 16SOIC
Diodes Incorporated Diodes Incorporated
PT74HC245WF PT74HC245WF Diodes Incorporated Description: IC LOGIC
PI74VCX16241AE PI74VCX16241AE Diodes Incorporated Description: IC BUF NON-INVERT 3.6V 48TSSOP
74LVC245AQ20-13 74LVC245AQ20-13 Diodes Incorporated Description: IC BUS TRANSCEIVER 8BIT 20QFN
PI74LCX16245VEX PI74LCX16245VEX Diodes Incorporated Description: IC TXRX NON-INVERT 3.6V 48SSOP
Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage
TC74LCX245FTELM TC74LCX245FTELM Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: IC TXRX NON-INVERT 3.6V 20TSSOP
TC74LCX244FK(EL,K) TC74LCX244FK(EL,K) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: IC BUF NON-INVERT 3.6V 20VSSOP