Integrated Circuits (ICs)
Logic - Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers

Logic - Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers

Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage
TC7SH17F,LJ(CT TC7SH17F,LJ(CT Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: IC BUFFER NON-INVERT 5.5V SMV
TC74AC640F(EL,F) TC74AC640F(EL,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: IC TRANSCVR INVERT 5.5V 20SOP
AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor
74LCX125SJX 74LCX125SJX AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC BUFFER NON-INVERT 3.6V 14SOP
74ALVCH16245DTR 74ALVCH16245DTR AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC TXRX NON-INVERT 3.6V 48TSSOP
74ACTQ16543MTD 74ACTQ16543MTD AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC TXRX NON-INVERT 5.5V 56TSSOP
74ALVC16244DTR 74ALVC16244DTR AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC BUF NON-INVERT 3.6V 48TSSOP
Diodes Incorporated Diodes Incorporated
74AUP1G17FX4-7 74AUP1G17FX4-7 Diodes Incorporated Description: IC BUFF NON-INVERT 3.6V 6DFN
74LVC1G06SE-7 74LVC1G06SE-7 Diodes Incorporated Description: IC BUFFER INVERT 5.5V SOT353