Integrated Circuits (ICs)
PMIC - Motor Drivers, Controllers

PMIC - Motor Drivers, Controllers

Diodes Incorporated Diodes Incorporated
PS8A0130BWEX PS8A0130BWEX Diodes Incorporated Description: CERAMIC HEATING CONTROLLER
AM4961AGHTR-G1 AM4961AGHTR-G1 Diodes Incorporated Description: IC MOTOR DRIVER PWM
ZXBM2002X10TA ZXBM2002X10TA Diodes Incorporated Description: IC MOTOR CONTROLLER PWM 10MSOP
PS8AES08WE PS8AES08WE Diodes Incorporated Description: IC CTLR HOME APPLIANCE
Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage
TB62213AFG,C8,EL TB62213AFG,C8,EL Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 28HSOP
TC78B006FNG,EL TC78B006FNG,EL Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: IC MOTOR DRIVER PWM 16SSOP
TB6674FAG TB6674FAG Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 16SSOP
AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor
LV8483CS-TE-L-H LV8483CS-TE-L-H AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC MOTOR DRIVER I2C 10WLP
LV8804V-MPB-H LV8804V-MPB-H AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC MOTOR DRIVER PWM 36SSOPJ
STK621-033K-E STK621-033K-E AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC MOTOR DRIVER
STK621-033A-E STK621-033A-E AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor Description: IC MOTOR DRIVER