Discrete Semiconductor Products
Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Single, Pre-Biased

Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Single, Pre-Biased

Diodes Incorporated Diodes Incorporated
DDTA124ECA-7-F DDTA124ECA-7-F Diodes Incorporated Description: TRANS PREBIAS PNP 200MW SOT23-3
DDTA115TCA-7 DDTA115TCA-7 Diodes Incorporated Description: TRANS PREBIAS PNP 200MW SOT23-3
DDTC143EUA-7 DDTC143EUA-7 Diodes Incorporated Description: TRANS PREBIAS NPN 200MW SOT323
DDTD114EU-7-F DDTD114EU-7-F Diodes Incorporated Description: TRANS PREBIAS NPN 200MW SOT323
Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage
RN2303(TE85L,F) RN2303(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: TRANS PREBIAS PNP 0.1W USM
RN2102CT(TPL3) RN2102CT(TPL3) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: TRANS PREBIAS PNP 0.05W CST3
RN2305(TE85L,F) RN2305(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: TRANS PREBIAS PNP 0.1W USM
RN1109,LF(CT RN1109,LF(CT Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage Description: TRANS PREBIAS NPN 100MW SSM
Panasonic Panasonic
UNR211L00L UNR211L00L Panasonic Description: TRANS PREBIAS PNP 200MW MINI3
DRA3115T0L DRA3115T0L Panasonic Description: TRANS PREBIAS PNP 100MW SSSMINI3
UNR511D00L UNR511D00L Panasonic Description: TRANS PREBIAS PNP 150MW SMINI3
DRA5123E0L DRA5123E0L Panasonic Description: TRANS PREBIAS PNP 150MW SMINI3